One of my goals this year was to memorize one verse per week. I started out really well, but unfortunately have gotten off track in the past few months. However, I want to finish the year out strong and even if I don’t get through a verse every week, hopefully I can learn a couple per month.

One Simple Idea to Easily Memorize Scripture

Lately I’ve been writing out verses on index cards with colorful markers. I’ve been writing out verses to remember on index cards for years, but the added touch of colorful details seems to make a difference. I get out my cards and my container full of sharpies and highlighters. I love the fine-point sharpies, I found lots of them for 50 cents each at a back-to-school sale a couple months ago. Score! Anyway..

I just started doing this recently but it really helps. First of all, writing things out has always helped me learn it. I guess that’s just part of my learning style. But secondly, having beautiful, colorful cards to learn from makes it interesting and holds my attention longer. I also love to be able to change colors and styles for emphasis.

One Simple Idea to Easily Memorize Scripture

Another thing I’ve found helpful in learning scripture is to use the index cards as bookmarks. I also like to leave the cards I’m working on in plain view on my desk.

These are the ideas I’ve found helpful. Now I’d like to hear from you!

What method do you use to memorize scripture? What are some of your favorite verses?

~ This post is part of the October Series on Taking Time to Rest, Re-Charge, and Take Care of Yourself! ~

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