by Laura | De-Cluttering, Home Management |
Do you find decluttering stressful and overwhelming? If you’ve read my de-clutter-a-thon posts, you’ve probably figured out that I really don’t like de-cluttering a whole bunch at once. It’s just too overwhelming for me to de-clutter for more than an hour...
by Laura | Effective Planning, Organization |
*This post may contain affiliate links. For more information, read my disclosure policy. Do you have a plan laid out for the new year? Do you know your priorities and goals? Even though it may change throughout the year, It’s important to give yourself a starting...
by Laura | De-Cluttering, Home Management |
*This post contains affiliate links. For more info, read my disclosure policy. I don’t know about your home, but I know mine could use some major de-cluttering. I don’t want to be drowning in stuff, especially things that we don’t have a need or want...
by Laura | Home Management |
During the holidays, homes can be nice and festive – filled with laughter, warmth, and delicious smells of home cooked meals and freshly baked cookies. But what about after the holidays, when there are still at least two months of bleak winter weather to endure?...
by Laura | Home Management |
*This post contains affiliate links. While I always like when my home is clean and looking nice, I don’t always enjoy the process of getting it to look that way. But I have a few secrets up my sleeve that keeps my time cleaning to a minimum without sacrificing the...
by Laura | Home Management |
*This post contains affiliate links As soon as March rolls around, I start itching to spend every minute outside. I can’t wait for that first beautiful spring weekend when we can go for a nice long family hike to enjoy the outdoors for the first time this year. Of...