5 Ways to Encourage Your Husband

5 Ways to Encourage Your Husband

*This post may contain affiliate links. For more info, read my disclosure policy. Are you looking for some ways to encourage your husband? I think encouraging one another is an essential component of a happy marriage.. my husband is my biggest supporter and...
DIY Disinfecting Wipes

DIY Disinfecting Wipes

*This post was originally share in early 2014, but it is now updated and expanded! It may contain affiliate links. For more info, read my disclosure policy. In the past year or so I’ve made the switch to safer, more natural cleaning products for my home. The perfumes...
The Marriage Challenge

The Marriage Challenge

Do you want to improve your marriage this year? What if you could make a big difference in just 30 Days? Then I know of a newly-released book that will help you do just that. Becky Moseley from Tales of Beauty for Ashes, has a new book that I love, 30 Day Marriage...
10+ DeCluttering Tips & Ideas

10+ DeCluttering Tips & Ideas

We’ve been talking about de-cluttering a lot around here lately, so I thought I’d put together a round-up of all sorts of de-cluttering tips from around blog land. So take a few minutes to browse around for inspiration, tools, and motivation for...
Things You Should Buy in Bulk

Things You Should Buy in Bulk

Do you frequent Sam’s Club or Costco? There’s actually another reason to go besides the free samples! (Even though that’s usually the best part.) 🙂 Buying in bulk is a great way to save some money. It’s a little more expensive initially, but when you purchase bulk...
Office Organization Essentials

Office Organization Essentials

*This post contains affiliate links. For more info, read my disclosure policy. I’ve always loved office supplies.. binder clips, pens, notebooks, you name it. I’m always happy to stock up when the school sales come along. But the supplies really do come in handy when...