by Laura | Goals & Planning |
*This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosure policy. I love the topic of goal setting so it’s no surprise that I was excited to read Michael Hyatt’s Your Best Year Ever. It was a good read, so I wanted to share some of my favorite...
by Laura | Goals & Planning |
How is the year almost half over already? Since I’ve been talking a lot about goal setting lately I thought it would be fun to share a goal update on my personal goals for the year. Goal 1: Maintain weight and grow healthier and stronger ✔I’m drinking more...
by Laura | Goals & Planning |
This post contains affiliate links, read my disclosure policy here. So you have some goals. Some are pretty big. And others are little things you’ve been meaning to do since forever but still haven’t managed to implement in your life. But you’re ready for some things...
by Laura | Goals & Planning |
You’re plodding along after your goals, making slow and steady progress, when out of nowhere… BAM. A huge setback is in your way. Something unexpected and NOT in line with your perfectly created plan. So what are you supposed to do? Give up? NOOO! Please don’t do...
by Laura | Goals & Planning |
April is here and spring is finally showing up. At least here in the midwest it is. But April also means it’s the beginning of the second quarter of the year. Maybe you’re on track with your yearly goals. Or maybe the year has completely gotten away from you so far....
by Laura | Goals & Planning |
You have your goal written down. Your goal is “SMART.” And you have a list of action steps to take. But it still feels like something is missing. Yeah, it’s something you really want. But you still can’t seem to take the steps necessary to get there. So what’s holding...
by Laura | Home Management |
*This post contains affiliate links. While I always like when my home is clean and looking nice, I don’t always enjoy the process of getting it to look that way. But I have a few secrets up my sleeve that keeps my time cleaning to a minimum without sacrificing the...
by Laura | Home Management |
*This post contains affiliate links As soon as March rolls around, I start itching to spend every minute outside. I can’t wait for that first beautiful spring weekend when we can go for a nice long family hike to enjoy the outdoors for the first time this year. Of...