Welcome to Part 4 of the DeCluttering the Paperwork Series! In case you missed them, you can read Part 1: Organizing Important Documents, Part 2: Organizing Handbooks & Manuals, and Part 3: Purging Files You No Longer Need.

Now onto Part 4, stopping the flood of papers that continue to clutter your home. Well, maybe not completely stop it, but I have some suggestions for slowing it down to small drip.

DeCluttering the Paperwork Part 4: Stopping the Paper Flood

Open the mail by the recycle & shred bins. 

This way you can immediately throw out what you don’t need.

Unsubscribe from junk mail.

Set aside some time to call and get your name off the list for all the spammy mail.

Unsubscribe from things you don’t read.

Or at least don’t renew your subscription if you hardly ever end up reading that magazine anyway.

Sign up for e-statements.

You can look over them on your computer, print if needed, and store in a special inbox folder for reference.

 File right away.

Or once a week. Just don’t let the pile get too big. Then it’s even harder to file because you’re dreading that massive pile of disorganized paper… (I’ve been there, trust me.)

The less paper coming in, the less overwhelming it is to organize! Even getting rid of a little bit at a time will help a lot in the long run.

What are your methods to keep the paper clutter under control?

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