Ham & Cheese Pull-Aparts

Ham & Cheese Pull-Aparts

I wish I could tell you this was an old family recipe, but alas, it was on one of those free recipe cards found in a grocery store. But it’s really good and makes a fantastic appetizer or meal for any time of day. Ingredients: 1 egg 2 Tbsp milk 1 (16.3oz)...
White Chocolate Cheesecake

White Chocolate Cheesecake

This sweet cheesecake is a Spring favorite in my family. We have some friends who usually ask me to make one as an Easter dessert for them! It’s really rich and sweet. Funny story how I came up with the glaze that everyone likes so much.. It was an experiment to...
Salsa Chicken Recipe + Emeals Review

Salsa Chicken Recipe + Emeals Review

When I don’t have a meal plan for the week, it usually ends up costing us more money than when I do. “Hmm.. I don’t know what we should have for dinner. Why don’t we just grab a pizza for tonight?” Sound familiar? Yeah.. That’s...