A year ago I made some big changes around our house. We had just went through some difficult times and I knew I needed to make adjustments in order to live my life how I wanted – focused on family and God’s purpose for my life.

Those changes I made included getting rid of a ton of clutter. I went room by room and got rid of the excess. It was a lot of work but I never knew how freeing it would be. I felt so much better when it was done and felt more equipped to live life more simply.

I never knew what a difference simplifying could make. Here are the 5 biggest life-changing benefits of decluttering that I have experienced.

Clearing clutter helps clear your mind

It’s amazing how our surroundings can affect our mindset. If our home is full of clutter, our minds are likely to be full of clutter too. But when our belongings are simplified, it starts to carry over to other areas of our lives.

It’s freeing and gives you confidence to face what’s ahead

Less overwhelm, more confidence.

Doesn’t that sound great?

It’s how I felt when I decluttered my home – it was freeing on so many levels. I was ready to move forward and face the future with confidence.

Helps you focus on what matters in life and the purpose God has given you

A simplified life has allowed me to focus much more fully on my priorities and the purpose that God has called me to. I’ve been able to confidently say NO to things that don’t line up with my priorities this season and give a big YES to things that do.

Decluttering is Energizing

I didn’t really believe that clutter could affect other areas of life until I actually started getting rid of it. I felt more energized all around since the clutter was no longer there to make me feel stressed and overwhelmed.

It leaves you with Peace

Finally, I think clearing clutter leaves us feeling more peaceful in the absence of the stress and overwhelm that clutter can cause. Your home and your mind both are left with a feeling of peace and calmness.

There are many benefits of decluttering but these five are the ones that have impacted me the most.


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