by Laura | Faith, Intentional Living |
The act of practicing gratitude daily has changed my life in a big way. It began when I started keeping a Blessings Journal during what turned out to be one of the most difficult years of our lives. You can read my whole story on choosing gratitude here. When I...
by Laura | Faith, Intentional Living |
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” (Ecclesiates 3:1) Confession: I tend to be a fast-paced, impatient person. But lately I’ve been trying to slow down a little bit and change my pace to focus on what really matters. I...
by Laura | Effective Planning, Free Printables |
Whether you put it together the night before or first thing in the morning, a daily plan is a must-have in my book. It hardly ever goes exactly as planned, and that’s ok. But having the plan together in the first place gives direction for my day and keeps me better...
by Laura | Intentional Living |
Do you reap the benefits of having a creative hobby? You don’t have to be particularly creative or “good” at it – as long as you enjoy what you’re doing. When you let your artistic side shine it creates more joy and inspiration in your life. I used to be into...
by Laura | Intentional Finance |
“Budget” isn’t a bad word, though it does strike fear into some. But the reality is, a budget actually gives us more freedom with our finances. We’ll feel far more in control when we know exactly where our money is going each month. Since a budget is so essential to...
by Laura | Developing Habits, Home Management |
Did you know that a productive start to your day actually starts the night before? When we take some time to prepare for the next day the night before makes a big difference. I know I’m much more relaxed in the mornings when I take the time in the evening to...
by Laura | Intentional Finance |
Is the bank just a storage space for your money or an important tool for managing your finances? It should be both. Over the years, I’ve found some important tips for better managing money through smart banking. Separate Savings Is your paycheck direct-deposited? Can...