by Laura | Healthy Living, Self-Care |
This past year has forced me to focus more on some self-care. I think we’re best off when we take the time to rest and recharge so we can better serve others. Because, if you’re like me, you tend to run around taking care of things without taking any time for...
by Laura | Goals & Planning |
I’m a little addicted to planning. I’ve always been a planner… the type of person who likes to have things set up in advance and doesn’t tolerate surprises very well. Of course, the older I get the more flexible I’ve realized I need to be. But that doesn’t stop me...
by Laura | Home Management |
Although the term “small” is relative, the size of our house is usually referred to as a “starter home.” It’s also a fixer-upper. When we bought it, many of the rooms were still stuck in the 70s. We’ve gotten a good amount updated (thanks to my Dad’s help) and only...
by Laura | Blogging, Online Business |
There have been so many times in my own blogging journey when I’ve felt daunted by what I wanted to accomplish and struggled to overcome challenges like increasing my traffic and income in ways that matched my brand and values. But it isn’t always easy, and the...
by Laura | Cooking, Home Management |
I’m so excited to be a cookbook ambassador for Lisa Leake’s new book, 100 Days of Real Food: Fast & Fabulous! Today I get to share with you one of the yummy recipes included in the cookbook – Cinnamon Glazed Bananas! But first, I want to share a little bit...
by Laura | Faith, Intentional Living |
“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7 Have you ever had a joyful event in your life clouded by fear? A time where you should be experiencing nothing but happiness, but somehow anxiety creeps in...
by Laura | Intentional Finance |
I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for ways to cut back on spending. Today I thought I’d feature some ideas to save money at home. Have a Money-Free Weekend I love the idea of a “Money-Free Weekend” from The Simple Dollar. I highly recommend reading about...