Social media is ever-growing in popularity and use. People use it for many reasons and purposes. If we’re not careful, thought, it can quickly take over our lives and turn into something that prevents us from living life to the fullest. Here are some tips to keep social media a good thing and not something bad.

 6 Ways to Keep Social Media a Blessing

Filter out the Bad

There is too much negativity surrounding us to let it clog our news feed too. Unfollow, unfriend, or simply select “don’t show these posts” (if on Facebook) to clear out the negative clutter so you can focus on making social media a positive experience.

Increase the Good & Stay Positive

Ever heard the saying, “Be the good you want to see in the world?” It can be as simple as staying positive and encouraging with your posts. Try not to complain, whine, etc in your posts and instead use them to encourage, uplift, share something you’re grateful for, share an encouraging story, etc.

Encourage Others

Spend a few minutes scrolling through your feed and / or friends list to see if there’s anyone that you think could use a couple words of encouragement. It could be as simple as a heartfelt “Thinking of you! Hope you’re doing well!,” a sweet birthday message, “Happy Birthday to you! So thankful for your friendship!,” or a nice congratulations, condolence, or just a “Hello.” Simple things like that shows you care.

Connect Don’t Lurk

It’s called social media for a reason! It’s meant to connect with others, not stalk them 😉 All kidding aside, I know this is much easier said than done. If you tend to be an introvert (like me) it can be a struggle to take the step to actually start a conversation with someone and share what’s going on in your life.

Limit Time

Just because it can be something good, doesn’t mean you should spend all day on social media! As a blogger, it’s especially hard sometimes to make sure it isn’t taking up too much of my time. There are several apps and browser extensions to help with it if you want to go that route. Many of them will let you know how much time you’re spending on certain websites and even block access to them if you’ve reached your limit for the day.

Take a Break

Even with turning social media into a good thing, it’s still a good idea to take a step back sometimes. Taking a social media break can be incredibly refreshing. It also gives you a chance to put more thought into the ways you can be encouraging to those people who are actually around you in person – not just through a computer screen.

With these six suggestions social media can be a blessing in your life and be used to connect with and encourage friends and family. It can never replace in-person interaction, but it can be a powerful tool for keeping in touch with loved ones. Using it for good, limiting time, and stepping away once in awhile are keys to keeping social media from becoming a curse.


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