Today, I’m taking you on a behind-the-scenes look at my work from home mom daily schedule. I am going to break down my routine so you can get a peek at how I handle things as a business owner. I’m also a mom of two little boys and I’m starting to homeschool my oldest kiddo. We have a lot going on right now, but I work hard to keep it manageable.

Before we begin, I want to make it clear that this is just an example, not something to be copied. You need to figure out a schedule that work for YOU! But since I find examples helpful, I thought I’d go ahead and share my schedule.

Take a behind-the scenes look at my work from home mom daily schedule as I juggle parenting, housework, and running a business.

My Morning Routine

Let’s dive into my daily routine. Obviously, we’ll start with the morning routine when everyone gets up, I take care of the basics like diaper changes, breakfast, all that good stuff.

I’m not in a season of waking up before my kids. This Mama needs plenty of sleep and that’s how I make sure I get it. I wake up when my kids do, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Later on, I may change things up and try to get up earlier because I would love some quiet time to myself, but that’s just not feasible right now, and that’s okay.

I get the kids settled with some morning milk, and while they play or watch a quick show, I gather myself and drink my coffee. Of course, that’s a must. Then I do my own quick, quiet time of reviewing my plan for today or putting that together.

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After I plan my day, I do a quick devotion and prayer time. I have a journal entry template on my notion dashboard. Then I review my prayer list and jot down some gratitude and focus areas for that day. I like having that access on my notion app too. So that covers the first part of our morning.

I’m trying to implement a breakfast and morning time with my boys where we can eat breakfast together, do a devotion aloud, and a little of the pre-K program that I’m using with my four-year-old and my one-year-old can join in as he can.

That’s the mid-morning around 7:30, 8 o’clock, which probably isn’t mid-morning, but when the kids wake up early, that just seems like mid-morning right now. We do morning chores then have free time around 9 or 10. Other mornings we have weekly activities or appointments we leave the house for.

How I Fit in Work as a Work From Home Mom

A couple of other days my mom comes over and watches the kids so I can get some work done and my husband can work on homework for a program he’s doing. I know we are incredibly blessed that we can do that and have that extra help. I love that I can hire my mom to help out while I get to do what I love and still get plenty of time with my kids.

On days where we have that extra childcare I’ll work from 9 until around 11, other days when I don’t, we’ll do some structured activities, have free time, play time, or whatever else we get into. That covers our morning routine up until lunchtime.

My Afternoon Routine

I will start our afternoon routine with lunch. Since my husband works second shift, lunch is our family meal for the day. After lunch is cleaned up we have a quick pick up of the house, then some free time.

My one-year-old takes an afternoon nap, and my older son has rest time where he can play or watch a show or a movie. He usually needs the downtime by that point of the day.

That is my work time every day, I stay focused on work while the kids are quiet and occupied, either sleeping or resting. What we call rest time usually lasts until around two o’clock or so.

From there, it’s more afternoon activities. My four-year-old loves to help in the kitchen. Usually, he wants to bake something if we don’t have anything else going on and it’s a day without childcare. I usually work in the afternoon, until around three or four if I have childcare.

I try to make sure to include one-on-one time with the kids, reading time, any other chores or activities, and take care of stuff around the house. If you’re a mom of littles, you know how fast that time goes, between the kids and the household things.

Work From Home Mom Evening Routine

That covers a good part of our day and my work from home mom daily routine. Around four to five is usually play time, quiet time, or if it’s nice out, we try to go outside and then around five o’clock is dinner.

So dinner, cleanup, chores, quiet time while the kids play, watch another quick show when it’s a rough day, then we’ll start our bedtime routine.

Bedtime Routine with Small Kids

Our bedtime routine is pretty simple based on the kids’ ages. If it’s a bath night that comes first, then pajamas, brush teeth, bedtime story, and go to sleep.

After the kids are asleep, sometimes I’ll do a couple of work things, but usually, I’m pretty exhausted by then and I just read or that’s my time to scroll social media and just relax before I go to sleep myself.

That’s a look at what our days are like in this season. It changes frequently because the kids schedules and needs change, I adjust our routines as well. That is a look behind the scenes of a work from home mom daily schedule.

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