Half of my kitchen is a complete disaster right now.
About 90% of a wallpaper border is scraped off, leaving the stubborn bits hanging on for dear life.
There is a pile of tools and supplies.
The table is covered with an overflow of supplies.
Yes, we are remodeling. It is taking forever because we both work and some evenings we are just plain too exhausted to drag out paint brushes.
As someone who likes to blog about organization and order it might surprise you that my kitchen has been in that disaster state for at least a month.
Sometimes a mess is inevitable. Like when you’re remodeling or when you have children 😉
But there are a few things I like to do to make everything seem a little more orderly when your house feels like a mess.
Make a List
Start making a list of everything that needs done around the house. Both big things and small. That way you’ll have the big picture down on one sheet of paper instead of a thousand things buzzing around in your head.
What makes YOU feel the most at-ease? Maybe as long as the sink is empty, you’re good. Or maybe you could care less about the dishes but a dirty floor can drive you mad.
Personally, my first priority is usually the dishes! A sink full of dirty dishes is pretty much the biggest source of household stress for me. Vacuuming is a priority too since our fur babies like to leave fur everywhere.
Focus on What’s Visible
If you’re in a hurry, focus first on the most visible things. Straighten up, do the dishes, vacuum, wipe down counters, etc.
These are all, of course, for the short term. When the craziness dies down just a bit you can tackle the bigger things. Better yet, break those into bite sized pieces and do a little bit each day or week.
It may seem overwhelming now, but you CAN get your house back in order one baby step at a time.
Homemaking can be hard. There’s cooking, cleaning, and trying to make a house into a home for your family.
One of the best ways to learn homemaking skills is from others, that’s why I love the online “mentorship” from other homemakers in My Homemaking Mentor online academy.
It’s full of classes you can apply to your own life and home on routines, meal planning, intentional living, and so much more.
I hope you’ll join me there – registration closes until fall on April 3rd! Sign up here: https://laurasueshaw.com/MyHomemakingMentor
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Yes, you nailed it all in this post! It’s definitely about focusing on “What can I change now that will have the biggest impact on my beautiful mess?” Good work!
I so agree with all of these! There are days where the mess makes me so crazy! Thanks for these tips!
I spend 15 minutes daily on whatever is visible. It makes such a difference in my house.
With 4 children my house is always a mess! Stepping on crumbs in the kitchen is one of the big things for me, so I vacuum several times a day! Having a list is also key!