Did you know a funnel can help you be more productive and profitable in your business? I’m going to explain how you can set up a funnel to create an amazing automated customer journey. This is an area of business where I love to geek out and craft a strategy that really serves you as a business owner and your customers.

When we get strategic about what we’re doing and how we’re leading our customers through a journey, not only does it help them get their questions answered, it helps you be more efficient in what you’re doing and increases your profits because you are serving your customers in a specific way. Let’s go ahead and dive into those details.

Here's how to start crafting an amazing customer journey with your free content, email marketing, and paid offers.

Defining Your Funnel

When you’re crafting a funnel I want you to think about it as a customer journey. I always recommend starting with the end in mind: what is the core service or product that you are offering? You need to have that in mind before you work backwards and craft the front end, in order for it to be the most effective. If you don’t have a core offer yet, that’s okay, just have an idea of what you’re wanting to offer.

This is where all audience research comes in by doing searches, hanging out where your customers hang out (like in Facebook groups), that’s where you’re going to get this vital information to help craft that customer journey. And if you’re more of a product-based business with e-commerce, this can still work for you.

To find vital information and craft your customer’s journey, hang out where your customers are, such as Facebook groups and do Internet searches for topics your audience is researching.

If you are more of a product-based business with e-commerce, this can still work for you. You are going to think differently about your core offer, you are going to think of your product offering as a whole or a category of product offering. We will still use the term core offer as we move forward. Start with the end in mind then work backwards.

How to Work Backwards in Your Funnel

What are the things and thoughts your customers need to overcome in order to make that purchase or get to that point in their life where they’re ready to take that next step with you? What questions do they need to be answered first before they’re ready to take that step? What are some roadblocks you can help them overcome?

You are going to answer all of these questions in your email sequence in your lead magnet or you could offer a small product as a tripwire. At the very front of your funnel is where your content strategy comes into play by answering those questions that come up in order for them to take that first step into your lead magnet.

High-Level Overview of Your Funnel or Customer Journey

The order it goes is; front end content, lead magnet, maybe a tripwire (that’s optional – but I recommend setting it up eventually), and then that email sequence to continue to nurture them until they’re ready to take that next step – which is your core offer.

That is a high-level overview of the funnel and how your content strategy is also important. The funnel and content strategy really go hand in hand for crafting an amazing funnel and customer journey.

What questions do you have on creating a funnel and customer journey? I would love to answer them for you, be sure to drop them in the comments or send me a message so that I can help you craft this in your business.

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