by Laura | Simple Celebrations |
*This post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure policy here. Is there someone on your Christmas list that could use some daily encouragement in 2015? I think just about everyone fits into that category in one way or another. Here are my favorite ideas...
by Laura | Simple Celebrations |
Growing up, my mom started a Christmas tradition that my brother and I loved. Every year we looked forward to this advent tradition and I hope to pass it on to any future children of my own. Our tradition was to be given a Christmas book to read every day in December...
by Laura | Simple Celebrations |
{This post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure policy here.} Christmastime always seems to sneak up out of nowhere. One minute you’re picking out a pumpkin and the next it’s suddenly crunch time to figure out what you’re getting your loved ones for...
by Laura | Budget, Marriage |
Quality time with your honey doesn’t have to be expensive! Here are 25 ideas of things to do together: Watch funny Youtube videos Go on a walk Explore a new town Explore new places in your own town Send each other on a scavenger hunt Have a picnic Go to the...