by Laura | Home Management |
Half of my kitchen is a complete disaster right now. About 90% of a wallpaper border is scraped off, leaving the stubborn bits hanging on for dear life. There is a pile of tools and supplies. The table is covered with an overflow of supplies. Yes, we are remodeling....
by Laura | Intentional Finance |
About 10 days after our wedding, we closed on our first home. At first I really didn’t think it’d be possible to for us to buy a house right after we got married, at ages 20 and 23. But it was, and it happened! It IS possible to buy a home young. Don’t fool yourself...
by Laura | Free Printables, Intentional Living, Saving Money |
One of the best ways to save money on groceries is to use up what you already have. This free printable will make it easier – you can take some time to go through your cupboards and freezer, write down what’s there, and then put this printable in a place...
by Laura | Home Management, Intentional Living |
I want to make my home a haven. I wish for it to have an atmosphere of love, relaxation, and comfort. So here are just a few methods I’m using to try and make our home feel inviting and cozy. Keep it Clutter-Free Keeping the clutter at bay can really make a difference...
by Laura | De-Cluttering, Free Printables |
So earlier this week you might have seen the 5 Ways to De-Clutter Your Mind. Well, today I thought I’d take it a step further and give you a free worksheet to go along with it! In it, you’ll find: Space to brain-dump your to-do’s Journal space Figure...
by Laura | Organization |
Finding a way to store belongings in an organized, but pretty way is a challenge. The first step, of course, is to declutter and make sure you aren’t taking up valuable space storing things you no longer want or need. But then you’re left with the stuff you’re...