by Laura | Saving Money |
You can quickly and easily earn a few extra dollars in your spare time from these money-saving and money-making smart phone apps. Jingit: Jingit allows you to earn cash by watching videos from brands and answering a couple short questions. You can also “check...
by Laura | Organization |
Beginning the new year, I knew I needed to make a few changes to how I was organizing my blog files. I work from two different computers: the desktop in my office or on our laptop. It was getting ridiculous having some files on one computer and some on another. So I...
by Laura | Recipes, Saving Money |
I love finding new uses for leftovers in order to create a whole new meal! My favorite way to do this is to have a classic pasta dish with tomato sauce and meatballs one night, and then use the leftovers to make baked pasta. Another great way is to heat up the...