Get More Done

I realize the same ideas don’t work for everyone, and I by no means have it all figured out, but these are a few simple methods I’ve found that help me get more done each day:

  1. Make a List

    It helps to write down what you would actually like to accomplish. Whether it’s in a planner, on a random piece of paper, or on an app on your phone, getting your list from your mind into writing will get you on the right track to action.

  2. Prioritize

    Out of the list, what is most important to you? Which items align with your goals? Tackle those tasks first.

  3. Cut out Time Sucks

    Are you addicted to Facebook? What about Candy Crush? Do these items meet with your priorities? I really believe there is a time to relax and recharge, but make sure things like this aren’t taking up valuable time where you can get some important things done.

  4. Delegate & Automate

    Create systems to help things run smoother. For example, you can  create some cut and paste email replies that, with a little personalization, will save you a ton of time retyping the same email. I don’t do a lot of delegation, but I think it’s a good idea to have household responsibilities split up fairly among spouses and children.

  5. Give Yourself Grace

    Life happens. Don’t be hard on yourself when things don’t go as planned. Tomorrow is a new day!

What methods do you use to be most productive?

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