Babysitting is a great way to earn some extra cash. I did a lot of it during my teen years, and I’m going to share 5 tips that helped me become a go-to babysitter for several families.

1. Bring games that you own and play them with the kids. They love new and exciting things to try. Three boys I used to watch begged me bring a game I owned every time I came over.

2. Bring your own books. The same as games, anything new will usually get a child’s attention. Try to match them to their ages and interests. If you don’t have any of your own, you could always make a trip to your local library. Just make sure the books are well taken care of so you don’t receive any fines! 😉

3. Engage and Interact. Ask them about their interests, school, and friends. Give them your undivided attention and show genuine interest in what they have to say.

4. Be willing to act like a kid with them. Have fun and be silly.

5. Don’t let the kids get away with breaking the rules. Follow all of the rules set by their parents. They probably won’t be happy about it at the time, but you will earn their respect.

Any more great tips that have worked for you?

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