Have you ever created a “theme” or “one word” for your year? It’s something to strive for all year long, and it’s usually something that can be incorporated into many areas of life.

Last year I used the word “Grow.” I learned a lot and worked on putting the things I was learning into practice in my life and in my business. 2014 was most certainly a year of growth.

My 2015 Theme & Goals

Now that it’s a new year, it’s time for a new theme. For 2015 my theme is “Be an encourager.”

I think this theme is something to apply to all sorts of life areas and infuse into my actual goals as well.

I want to better encourage others to Seek God first and pursue a relationship with him.

I want to encourage my husband in all areas of life.

I want to encourage my family and my friends.

I want to use my blog to encourage others.

I recognize I can’t do this all on my own, I need God’s help to make this a priority day after day in 2015. It’s going to take a lot of hard work and discipline to reach my goals for the year, but I think I’m up for the challenge 🙂

I also have several goals for the year in many areas of life. I try to stick to goals that align with my priorities. Here are some of my 2015 goals:

  • Have a consistent daily devotion time
  • Have a date night with my husband once a week – either at home or going out.
  • Have a family dinner once or twice a month.
  • Spend time with friends once a month
  • Finish one update around our house each month (I have A LOT of painting to do!)
  • Continue to grow this blog
  • Cook healthy meals and exercise 3 – 4 times a week
  • Increase savings account
  • Read several personal and business growth books

That’s just a glimpse into what I’d like to accomplish in 2015. I tend to set really high goals even if I don’t always reach them all.

In between my theme and goals, my main focus for the year is this: I want to live a balanced life and make memories with those I love. Because that’s what matters most, right?

I hope you have a wonderful, blessed 2015!

Tell me, what is your theme and/or goals for the year? I’d love to hear about them! Let me know in the comments below.

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