For some time, there has been a stack of papers in my office waiting to be shredded. Problem was, I didn’t have a shredder. I finally broke down and bought one, wanting to get rid of the growing pile of papers.

The other night at Wal-Mart, I spent a good ten minutes on an office supply aisle comparing the prices of shredders. What I thought was the best deal was this:


I bought a shredder head and an inexpensive trash can to put it on. I didn’t feel the need to spend an extra $10 or more on a shredder that came with a bin attached to it. My $2 bin works just fine! In fact, you could probably even find a bin that would work at the dollar store.

Though an even less costly alternative would be a pair of scissors, a shredder is a bit more efficient and less time consuming. So, end your year productively by finally shredding that pile of papers for a more secure 2013.

Here is a list of items that should be shredded:

  • Address labels from junk mail and magazines
  • ATM receipts
  • Bank statements
  • Birth certificate copies
  • Canceled and voided checks
  • Credit and charge card bills, carbon copies, summaries and receipts
  • Credit reports and histories
  • Documents containing maiden name (used by credit card companies for security reasons)
  • Documents containing names, addresses, phone numbers or e-mail addresses
  • Documents relating to investments
  • Documents containing passwords or PIN numbers
  • Driver’s licenses or items with a driver’s license number
  • Employee pay stubs
  • Employment records
  • Expired passports and visas
  • Unlaminated identification cards (college IDs, state IDs, employee ID badges, military IDs)
  • Legal documents
  • Investment, stock and property transactions
  • Items with a signature (leases, contracts, letters)
  • Luggage tags
  • Medical and dental records
  • Papers with a Social Security number
  • Pre-approved credit card applications
  • Receipts with checking account numbers
  • Report cards
  • Resumés or curriculum vitae
  • Tax forms
  • Transcripts
  • Travel itineraries
  • Used airline tickets
  • Utility bills (telephone, gas, electric, water, cable TV, Internet
  • Old credit/debit cards

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