Are you sitting stagnant in your life? Are there areas that you know could use some major improvement? Or maybe you really want to learn a new skill?
That’s where a personal growth plan comes in. You’re much more likely to make progress if you plan out your growth in advance.
In fact, this is the first year I’ve really created a personal growth plan and it’s already working great to help me grow and keep up with my goals.
Here are the simple steps to create your own personal growth plan.
Decide what areas you’d like to improve
The first thing you need to do is to de idea which areas you want to grow in. The more specific, the better. I made the mistake of making them too broad.
Or, if you want a more broad area like I had, then be sure to map out some specific focuses throughout the year.
For example, one of my areas of growth is home management. But for the first couple months my area of focus is meal planning and prep along with healthy eating.
Determine what habits and disciplines you want to create
Now that you know which areas that you would like to grow in, narrow it down a little further and decide exactly what habits or disciplines you’re trying to create with each area of personal growth.
If you’re wanting to eat healthy and meal plan, you could add details such as:
-Freezer cooking once a month
-Weekly meal prep
-Drink 6 glasses of water per day
Getting more specific like this will make it a lot easier to succeed with your goals because you will know exactly what you are striving for.
List what resources you’re going to use
Look at what resources you’d like to you use to learn about each area. It could include books, articles, podcasts, YouTube videos, whatever. Make a list of what you’d like to use and create a loose timeline for each.
I find it good to also leave a little wiggle room in case you come across another good resource you want to add to your list.
Your resource list and timeline could look something like this:
Healthy Eating Resources and Timeline:
-Book 1
-Book 2
-10 episode of podcast
-5 Video Series
Week 1:
-Read 1/2 of book 1
-2 episodes of podcast
Week 2:
-Read 1/2 of book 1
-2 episodes of podcast
Week 3:
-Read 1/2 of book 2
-2 episodes of podcast
Week 4:
-Read 1/2 of book 2
-2 episodes of podcast
Week 5:
-Watch 2 videos
-2 episodes of podcast
Week 6:
-Watch rest of videos
-Catch up
Schedule time to learn and grow
Finally, be sure to schedule learning time into your schedule. Figure out how much time you can dedicate to it, schedule it in, and stick to it.
The timeframe needs to be realistic for your life right now – don’t over-commit yourself! And remember that a little bit of progress is better than none. Whether you can only work on your plan for 10 minutes a day or an hour, make it realistic for your life right now.
Pretty simple steps, right?
They made a big difference in my life, though. Having a growth plan down on paper with a timeline has helped me make far more progress than in previous years.
So I encourage you to do the same – decide on what areas you want to grow in, narrow down specific habits and discipline, find the resources to use, and schedule growth time. You can do this and have a year full of progress and personal growth!
Ready to make your own personal growth plan? Enter your name and email for a free downloadable template!
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