7 Simple Ways to Save Money at Home

7 Simple Ways to Save Money at Home

I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for ways to cut back on spending. Today I thought I’d feature some ideas to save money at home. Have a Money-Free Weekend I love the idea of a “Money-Free Weekend” from The Simple Dollar. I highly recommend reading about...
Free DeClutter Your Life Challenge

Free DeClutter Your Life Challenge

I used to have clutter everywhere. It creeps into every aspect of our lives – our home, our minds, and these days even our “digital life.” It wasn’t until I finally took steps to clear out the clutter I started experiencing a much simpler, peaceful, and...
One Easy Way I Simplified My Homemaking

One Easy Way I Simplified My Homemaking

Ever feel overwhelmed with managing your home? I do. It can get crazy at times trying to keep track of things like cleaning, laundry, meal planning, etc. But one change has made things a lot more simple for me. Enter: My homemaking spreadsheet. “Don’t you mean...