FREE Blogging Bundle

FREE Blogging Bundle

So excited this amazing resource is FREE! This bundle has valuable information whether you are just starting out blogging or looking to take yours to the next level. Some resources included are: 31 Days to a Money-Making Blog: A Step-by-Step Action Guide to Creating...
Salsa Chicken Recipe + Emeals Review

Salsa Chicken Recipe + Emeals Review

When I don’t have a meal plan for the week, it usually ends up costing us more money than when I do. “Hmm.. I don’t know what we should have for dinner. Why don’t we just grab a pizza for tonight?” Sound familiar? Yeah.. That’s...
Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle 2014!

Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle 2014!

By popular demand, 100+ homemaking bloggers are bringing back The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle, and it’s better than ever! The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle is a complete library of great eBooks on homemaking—a truly valuable knowledge base you’ll use for many years...
Apple Pie Baked French Toast

Apple Pie Baked French Toast

One Saturday I went to breakfast with my mom, aunt, and brother at the best bakery/restaurant in town. And I’m not just biased because my brother is a baker there! 😉 On the menu that morning there was Strawberry Baked French Toast. It was amazing. Wonderfully...
Top 10 Uses for Baking Soda

Top 10 Uses for Baking Soda

Baking soda has so many amazing uses! It can be used for things like cooking, cleaning, gardening, and more. Here are the top 10 that I’ve found: DIY All-Natural Carpet Freshener Mix with water for a relaxing foot soak Keep cut flowers fresh longer by adding a...
Apple Pie Biscuit Bake

Apple Pie Biscuit Bake

This is a recipe I threw together one afternoon when I wanted to use up some apple I bought the week before. I thought an apple pie filling would taste good in between some bubbly biscuits… so this is what I came up with! Ingredients: 4 small apples 3 Tbsp sugar...