It started out as a quiet Saturday morning with a sleepy beagle. I did a few chores around the house, and decided I would go get the haircut I’ve been putting off for a couple months now. So, out I went. I returned an hour or so later, only to find a 5-pound bag of flour busted open and piles of flour all. over. the. kitchen.

Who would do such a thing? I had some clues. There were some suspicious white paw prints on the living room rug.

Hmm. The only suspect would be the one with paws.. so he was brought in for questioning and evidence was found caked into those cute little paws.

A-ha! He must be the culprit. Don’t let this innocent face fool you.

Since after the flour massacre, he proceeded to tear into a package of toilet paper and take a bite out of one of the rolls, he had to spend a little time in time-out.

Oh, Buddy. We love you to pieces, even when you destroy whatever you can get your little paws on.

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