My grocery Shopping Process:

I thought I would share what works for us when it comes to grocery shopping each week!

Step 1: Start a list!

Sometimes this process starts as early as Monday or Tuesday! And some weeks I end up having to make a quick Wal-mart run in middle of the week. Thankfully, this doesn’t happen very often. And when it does, I work in a building right across the street from Wal-mart and can get that extra trip done on my lunch break or after work.

I usually start by writing down our weekly staples. Because even though I buy these things every week, if I didn’t write them down, I would forget to buy them.

Then I add on anything that I notice we are running low on.

Step 2:
After that, I try to have a rough meal plan for the following week and write down anything I need for that.

Step 3: Ad Analysis

So after my list is complete, I go through the grocery ads and circle anything that is on sale that I need. Or, if it is a really good deal and not on my list, I will add it along with what store it’s at and how much it is so that I can compare the prices and price match at Wal-Mart.

Step 4:
Next, I search for and print any coupons that I can find of things on my list.

Before I leave for the store, I look over everything again to make sure I’m not forgetting anything.

And, Finally, I always try to remember to not go to the grocery store hungry and to stick to my list!

This, my friends, is my personal formula for a successful shopping trip. What works for you and your family?

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