New Year, Fresh Start Challenge

Your GPS to Growth for you, your home, and your family in 2024

3 days to solidify your goals, learn proper planning methods to reach them, and create the routines that will keep you consistent.

Here’s the plan…

Day 1: 3 Keys to Goals You Can Achieve 

Day 2: Essential Planning Routine for a Productive 2024

Day 3: How to Create Routines that Make Your Life 10x Easier

Plus downloadable goodies such a checklists, templates, and more!

The New Year, Fresh Start Challenge Begins January 8th, 2024

Enter your name and email below to join the fun!

We respect your privacy and would never spam you. Privacy Policy.

Are you ready for consistent routines that make life easier, run more smoothly, and free up valuable time you could be spending with your family?

Then join me for this FREE 3-day challenge where we’re going to talk goal-setting for ourselves and our homes, my must-have planning routines, and household systems that make it all run more smoothly.

I know what it’s like to feel frustrated and overwhelmed about the never-ending to-do list. That’s why I wanted to share my tried-and-true routines and systems that make it all a little easier to manage.

I hope you’ll join me in this fun New Year, Fresh Start Challenge to kick off 2024!


Hi there!


If you don’t know me, I’m Laura. I’m a wife, mom, and business owner. Over the years I’ve tried SO many different methods to reach my goals over the years, many to no avail.

The past couple of years I’ve FINALLY found a method that helps me make progress. A way that’s just flexible enough to keep up with busy mom life.


I can’t wait to share these methods with you over this 3-day challenge.

Sign up below and I’ll see you there!

The New Year, Fresh Start Challenge Begins January 8th, 2024

Enter your name and email below to join the fun!

We respect your privacy and would never spam you. Privacy Policy.

3 days to solidify your goals, learn proper planning methods to reach them, and create the routines that will keep you consistent.

Here’s the plan…

Day 1: 3 Keys to Goals You Can Achieve 

Day 2: Essential Planning Routine for a Productive 2024

Day 3: How to Create Routines that Make Your Life 10x Easier

Plus downloadable goodies such a checklists, templates, and more!

The New Year, Fresh Start Challenge Begins January 8th, 2024

Enter your name and email below to join the fun!

We respect your privacy and would never spam you. Privacy Policy.

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