So.. you have a plan, a goal you want to achieve. Do you know how you’re actually going to accomplish that goal? What are you going to do to put the plan into action?

Here are some steps to take so that you can really accomplish the plans you’ve set.

How to Put Your Plan into Action

Take Small Steps

Split your plan into baby steps. Then schedule a time to take that first small step.

Maybe your goal is to start a blog. I think the first baby step would be to come up with a name and an outline for your topics. Then the next step would be to register the domain name corresponding with your blog.

Make your steps as small as possible so that it doesn’t take too much time to complete each one. It’s easier to start with such a small step.. as you get closer to your goal it will get easier and easier to spend more time on it.

Measure Growth

Take the time to measure how all your baby steps are adding up to achieve your goal. You could create some sort of timeline to mark off each time you complete a step.. it’s a nice visual reminder that all the small stuff really is reaching towards the big goal. Plus, it’s great motivation to keep going!

Celebrate Success

Celebrate the milestones that come as you get closer and closer to the finish line. Then have a BIG celebration when you complete the goal.

Another good idea is to plan a celebration ahead of time. For example, “When I reach ___ then I’ll get a manicure/buy a new sweater/spend a day reading and relaxing” or whatever your idea of a celebration is! For me, it’s taking time to browse through a bookstore with a cup of coffee! 🙂

It takes a lot of hard work, perseverance, and patience to reach goals. But it CAN be done! You can do it when you break your goal into baby steps, measure growth, and celebrate your milestones. Before you know it, you’ll be celebrating reaching your goal!

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