Are you ready for round two of our 10 Day de-clutter-a-thon?? Since the first one was so popular, I thought we should take care of the rest of the house too! Here are some more areas to de-clutter bit by bit. Try to spend a minimum of 5 – 15 minutes in each area finding at least a few things to donate or throw out. Repeat the process each day until the clutter is cleared. You’ll be surprised to find that with just a few minutes a day how much de-cluttering can get done.

How to Have a 10 Day De-Clutter-a-thon Round 2

Entertainment Center

What movies are just collecting dust? Any CDs that you never listen to anymore? Donate them and clear out that clutter.

Holiday Decorations

What holiday decorations do you truly love and which ones do you just use just because you have them? Take the simpler approach and only keep the decorations that make you smile.


I don’t know about you, but my desk is a major problem area for clutter. Bills, notes, papers that need filed and more get stacked up higher and higher.


Take time to go through some photos, both digital and printed. Delete or throw out the blurry, unfocused ones that you can’t see anyone in anyway. Organize the rest in folders or albums.

Coat Closet

I don’t know about your coat closet, but there’s a lot more than coats in ours. I little de-cluttering and organizing can go a long way in making things easier to find.


Depending on the size of your garage, this project could easily take more than a day. Break it into workable pieces and clean out old tools, toys, and things that you forgot were stored in there anyway.


Our basement can quickly become a clutter collector if we don’t stay on top of it. There’s a lot of space for storage but sometimes we need to just get rid of it instead.

Decorations / Knick Knacks

Just like the holiday decorations, go through your everyday ones and keep what you truly love and get rid of the rest. If you don’t truly love it, there’s no point in decorating your home with it.

Craft Supplies

I think there are far more craft supplies on some shelves in my office than I’ll ever have time to use. If you’re an avid crafter, I’m sure it’d be worth keeping more and coming up with an organizing system for the supplies. However, if you’re like me and have realized that it’s just not going to happen and you have other much higher priorities, then it’s time to clear out the supplies and cut it down to what you’ll actually use.

Other Storage Areas

Lastly, take a look at any other areas of storage in your house. Evaluate what’s clutter and what can stay. Be ruthless, you’ll be glad in the end when you have more breathing room in your home.

Remember not to tackle everything at once! Break it down into workable pieces. If you can only work for 5 – 15 minutes a day, take that time to find a few items to donate or throw out. It will quickly add up to make a big difference.

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