I’m a little addicted to planning.

I’ve always been a planner… the type of person who likes to have things set up in advance and doesn’t tolerate surprises very well.

Of course, the older I get the more flexible I’ve realized I need to be. But that doesn’t stop me from planning! It just means I need to include enough margin for the unexpected.

I’ve talked a lot about planners and planning here on the blog, and thought I’d share all my best advice and planning resources in one place. Happy planning!

I’ve talked a lot about planners and planning here on the blog, and thought I’d share all my best advice in one place. Happy planning!


I LOVE a good planner! I’ve gone through a couple different ones over the past few years, but I’m absolutely loving my current one.

Why I Ditched My Old Planner (and What I’m Using Instead)

How to Find the Perfect Planner

20 FREE Printables for Organizing and Planning

How to Make Your Planner More Effective

General Planning:

Planning is an essential part of productivity (in my opinion). How do you know where you’re going if you don’t have a map? Here are my best tips on creating your plan, or roadmap, to accomplish your goals and get things done.

How to Create a Successful Daily Plan

How to Make Planning More FUN!

How to Put Your Plan into Action

Why You Need a Daily Plan (Whether You’re a Planner or Not)

How to Create a Successful New Year’s Plan

FREE Morning Routine Printable Planner

How I Simplified My To-Do List (and Get MORE Done!)

Home Management Planning:

Managing our homes can be one of the toughest jobs. There’s cleaning, meal planning, organizing, laundry, and so much more. Here are some resources to simplify the process of creating a home you love.

Menu Planning Tips + a FREE Printable

Free Cleaning Schedule Printable Planner

One Easy Way I Simplified my Homemaking

I’ve talked a lot about planners and planning here on the blog, and thought I’d share all my best advice in one place. Happy planning!

Personal Planning:

Don’t forget self care! We can get so busy taking care of everything but ourselves. So make sure to also plan time for renewal and personal growth.

How to Create a Reading Plan that Works

How to Create a Personal Growth Plan

Planning can be the biggest stepping stone to accomplishing your goals – one of the hardest parts is knowing where to start. With a good plan in place, you’ll know the exact steps to take along the way!

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Free Planning Bundle

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